18 Days Wholefood Plant-Based

After 18 days, weight loss is a happy by-product of my health journey. Lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, reducing medications.


Nella D

yellow plat with white numerals of 1 and 8
yellow plat with white numerals of 1 and 8

18 days of my return to wholefood plant-based diet (WFPB) and I’m 22lbs down. Naturally, I am delighted, but this is less about the scales and more about health.

With those 22lbs gone, my blood sugar is quite stable. In fact, I have been able to reduce one tablet for type 2 diabetes. My endocrinologist told me I am not a true type 2 diabetic and that it was my dependence on steroids for inflammation that made my blood sugar uncontrolled. Clearly, controlling diet is helping, whatever the cause.

Reaching out to the rheumatologist, my treatment has changed and the hope is that I can reduce the inflammation and that dependence on the drugs. Apparently, I will never be free of the steroids, but I’ll do my best and at least find the lowest possible maintenance dose.

It's important to note I am able to move more and get back to cooking again regularly. I’m doing this alone. My diet is not appreciated by my partner and that’s ok. We respect each other’s needs and there are some occasions when my plant based food is palatable to them. I enjoy it of course and I’m loving feeling better in so many ways already.

A surprising improvement has been cognitive. I think clearer. My mind has sharpened. I’ve wondered if I’m riding a wave of positivity and fooling myself, but I’ll take it whatever the cause.

Moving is also so much easier now. Taking a shower and getting dressed took over an hour three weeks ago. I was not only slow, but needed significant time to regain my breath and strength to get dry and dressed.

As a coeliac with IBS, I can honestly say (without the details) that the improvement is huge. I had dreaded days out without knowing where the nearest bathroom was. It ruled a large part of my day and at times resulted in avoiding situations and events. As that improves, my confidence does too.

Just to add insult to injury, I have COPD – emphysema to be precise and losing 22lbs has resulted in less breathlessness and the ability to walk a little further each day. There is a long way to go and I’ll never repair the lung damage, but to use the lung capacity I do have more efficiently and with less effort is stunning.

Clothes are fitting better now too. I can’t say I’ve dropped any sizes, as I haven’t tried anything smaller than usual – but I definitely feel the ‘looseness’ of certain items on me.

One area I am not sure a plant based way of life will improve is my diagnosis of Parkinsonism. My tremor is the same and my balance is poor. At least if I fall, there will be less of me to hit the deck.

Things are going to slow down now. Perhaps weight loss will be a pound or two a week and that’s excellent. Yet weight loss is a happy by-product of my health journey. Lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, reducing medications, more energy and simply feeling good are the goals.


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silver spoon on black ceramic bowl with vegetables
silver spoon on black ceramic bowl with vegetables