Lentils: Origins, Types; All You Need to Know

Lentils are a powerhouse of nutrients and versatility in cooking delicious plant-based foods. Read more about the diversity of lentils.


Nella D

2/12/20243 min read

orange beans in sack
orange beans in sack


Lentils are a versatile and nutritious legume that has been a staple in diets around the world for thousands of years. They come in various types and colors, each with its unique flavor and culinary applications. In this article, we will explore the origins of lentils, delve into the different types available, and discuss their ideal uses in various dishes.

Origins of Lentils

Lentils have a rich history that dates back to ancient times. They are believed to have originated in the Near East and were one of the first crops cultivated by humans. Lentils were highly valued for their high protein content, long shelf life, and ability to grow in diverse climates.

From the Near East, lentils spread to other parts of the world through trade routes and exploration. They became an essential part of the diets in regions such as the Mediterranean, India, and the Middle East.

Types of Lentils

There are several types of lentils, each with its distinct characteristics and culinary uses:

1. Brown Lentils

Brown lentils are the most common and widely available type. They have a mild, earthy flavor and hold their shape well when cooked. Brown lentils are versatile and can be used in soups, stews, salads, and side dishes.

2. Green Lentils

Green lentils have a slightly peppery flavor and a firm texture. They retain their shape after cooking and are often used in salads, grain bowls, and as a side dish. Green lentils are also a popular choice for vegetarian and vegan recipes due to their high protein content.

3. Red Lentils

Red lentils are smaller and cook faster than other types of lentils. They have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor and a soft texture. Red lentils are commonly used in Indian cuisine for dishes like dal, soups, and curries.

4. French Lentils (Puy Lentils)

French lentils, also known as Puy lentils, are small and dark green. They have a peppery flavor and hold their shape well when cooked. French lentils are often used in salads, side dishes, and as a bed for roasted vegetables.

5. Black Lentils (Beluga Lentils)

Black lentils, also known as beluga lentils, are small and black, resembling caviar. They have a rich, earthy flavor and a firm texture. Black lentils are commonly used in salads, side dishes, and as a filling for vegetarian burgers.

Ideal Uses for Lentils

Lentils are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of dishes. Here are some ideal uses for different types of lentils:

1. Soups and Stews

Lentils are a perfect addition to hearty soups and stews. Their rich, earthy flavor adds depth to the dish, and their ability to hold their shape makes them a satisfying ingredient. Brown and green lentils are particularly well-suited for soups and stews.

2. Salads and Grain Bowls

Lentils can be a nutritious and protein-packed addition to salads and grain bowls. Their firm texture adds a satisfying bite, and their flavors complement a variety of vegetables and dressings. Green and French lentils work well in salads and grain bowls.

3. Indian Cuisine

Red lentils are commonly used in Indian cuisine, especially in dishes like dal, soups, and curries. They cook quickly and become soft, providing a creamy texture to these dishes. Red lentils are also a great choice for vegetarian and vegan recipes.

4. Side Dishes

Lentils can be served as a flavorful and nutritious side dish alongside roasted meats or vegetables. Brown, green, and French lentils work well as side dishes, either on their own or mixed with herbs, spices, and other ingredients.

5. Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

Lentils are a popular choice for vegetarian and vegan recipes due to their high protein content. They can be used as a substitute for meat in dishes like lentil burgers, lentil loaf, and lentil-based sauces.


Lentils are a versatile and nutritious ingredient that has been enjoyed by cultures around the world for centuries. Whether you choose brown, green, red, French, or black lentils, there are countless ways to incorporate them into your meals. From soups and salads to Indian cuisine and vegetarian recipes, lentils offer a wide range of flavors and textures that can enhance any dish. So, next time you're looking for a healthy and delicious ingredient, consider adding lentils to your pantry.

Inspired by lentils? Why not try our delicious bolognaise recipe HERE

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silver spoon on black ceramic bowl with vegetables